Monday, July 25, 2011

Save Money and the Environment when Commuting

I live in California where gas prices are continuously in flux and are generally higher than what I'm used to seeing around the nation. I'm an American. I commute. I love my car (who doesn't?). If you're like me (and I'm assuming you are), then the thought of ditching your car and depending on public transportation is a definite no-go.
However, I've come to the realization that saving money on gas and making some small sacrifices can go a long way, not only for the wallet, but for the environment as well. Here are some quick tips on how to reduce your spending for gasoline, as well as reducing your carbon footprint:

1. Car Pool! HOV lanes, or how ever they're described in your neck of the woods. Utilize them! The less cars on the roads equal less traffic. Less traffic equals a shorter commute time. A shorter commute time equals less emissions. It's a win, win. Plus, you might sneak a quick nap if you're not the one driving!

2. Bicycle! Yes I said it. The good ol' bicycle. What was once a modern invention for transportation in the good ol' days is now just a recreation toy. However, more and more socialites and hipsters are riding around on these things to get to and from work. The beauty behind these bad boys: You don't have to worry about parking, you'll enjoy the work out, and you're lessening your carbon footprint.

3. Public transportation. Yes I know what I said earlier. But for some this is an absolute must, especially in crowded metro areas. However, if you live the burbs, then find out if your county has a rail system and then link that with local bus routes to reduce your footprint.

There's not a lot of scientific data to throw around here folks, just some plain old common sense. You will have to make some adjustments and sacrifices, but even once or twice a week can make a huge difference when you're looking to save money and help the environment on your daily commute. Until next time!


LBJ said...

If you're looking to reduce the carbon footprint, a folding bike is a great way to do it. I have a Montague folding bike, and every morning I ride to the train station, fold the bike, take it on with me, and then ride to work on the other end. I can take it on Caltrain, BART and MUNI now, which is awesome and allows ultimate flexibility. It's also nice on days when I drive in - I can park further out and ride the rest of the way to work. Not quite as good for reducing the carbon footprint as not driving, but better than nothing at all.

Ray Vasquez said...

Thanks for the insight LBJ. I would imagine that the Montague folding bike is lightweight, allowing for easy transport when not on the road. For those that doen't have one, the buses here in California have bike racks, and I'm assuming buses in other states do as well. Point is: You may not have a folding bike, but there's always another option! Great Comment and thanks for visiting!