Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The hype is out there. Matter of fact, this was a subject of great debate during this year's Presidential campaigns. If you're not conscientious regarding our environment, oil consumption, or the strain on our world as a whole - then you're simply behind the power curve.

The Greenie-Weenie is an "AmeriGreen" promoting blog that informs readers on ways they can participate on becoming more and more "green," but without the hassle of over extending yourself or committing fully to the cause.

I'm certainly not a fanatic, but instead, I became interested in learning how I could possibly contribute to reducing waste without reducing my pocket book. This blog is simply an attempt to inform, teach and provide the tools necessary for you to contribute. I am in no way affiliated with any corporation or other company.

Stay tuned to this blog for more information...oh, and contribute!

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